Tena koutou, Ko Michael Andrewartha ahau
you can call me Mike -
Ko Mt Kaukau te maunga
Ko Porirua Stream te awa
Ko Pukekaraka te marae
Tena koutou, Tena koutou, Tena koutou katoaYou can call me Mike. I was born in Wellington, New Zealand and although I'm of European decent, we were all taught to introduce ourselves formally in Maori so I thought it would be good to share some of the culture with you.
I love Wellington and I'm very proud to call myself a Kiwi.
Are you working at the moment?
yes, I'm contracting -
I'm always up for a coffee and a chat to talk you through your options for building a new website.
I have an eye for design and appreciate responsive and updated websites. I understand what CSS, HTML5, Javascript, PHP, MySQL and other technologies are and how you can use them to create a website for your business.
I'm a SilverStripe ↑ advocate having worked with the SilverStripe.com team for around 7 years. I have also consulted in the past for a number of companies which has led to them building a new website themselves.
What do you do in your spare time
what spare time haha! -
I enjoy travelling and the outdoors. I also a keen mountain biker, snowboarder, appreciator of craft beer and live music. I have even been known to put down a few home brewed beers myself when I have the time.
Check out my blog
for travel updates and current events ↑ ∞
What am I up to at the moment?
follow me on twitter to find out ↑ ∞
How do I contact you?
Please get in contact with me via Twitter ↑, LinkedIn ↑.
Email: [email protected]