Tena koutou, Ko Michael Andrewartha ahau

you can call me Mike

Ko Mt Kaukau te maunga
Ko Porirua Stream te awa
Ko Pukekaraka te marae
Tena koutou, Tena koutou, Tena koutou katoa

You can call me Mike. I was born in Wellington, New Zealand and although I'm of European decent, we were all taught to introduce ourselves formally in Maori so I thought it would be good to share some of the culture with you.

I love Wellington and I'm very proud to call myself a Kiwi.

Are you working at the moment?

yes, I'm contracting

I'm always up for a coffee and a chat to talk you through your options for building a new website.

I have an eye for design and appreciate responsive and updated websites. I understand what CSS, HTML5, Javascript, PHP, MySQL and other technologies are and how you can use them to create a website for your business.

I'm a SilverStripe  ↑ advocate having worked with the SilverStripe.com team for around 7 years. I have also consulted in the past for a number of companies which has led to them building a new website themselves.

What do you do in your spare time

what spare time haha!

I enjoy travelling and the outdoors. I also a keen mountain biker, snowboarder, appreciator of craft beer and live music. I have even been known to put down a few home brewed beers myself when I have the time.

Check out my blog

for travel updates and current events  ↑

How do I contact you?

Please get in contact with me via Twitter  ↑, LinkedIn  ↑.
Email: [email protected]